SEO checklist

A lot of people think that SEO is a complicated and mysterious process. But, in reality, it is not that complicated. There are many factors that contribute to the ranking of a website on search engines. The most important thing to remember is that you need to have good content on your website with keywords in the right places.

SEO Basics

Set up Google search console and Bing Webmaster tools

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Set up Google Analytics

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Create a Robots.txt file

Check Search Console for manual actions

Make sure that your website is indexed

Keyword Research

Identify your competitors

Find your main 'money keywords

Find long-tail keyword variations

Create a keyword map

Analyze the intent of pages that rank

Identify questions that are being asked

Understand how difficult it is to rank for target keywords

Technical SEO

Make sure you are using HTTPS

Check for duplicate versions of your site

Find & fix crawl errors

Improve site speed

Fix broken internal & outbound links

Find and fix HTTP links on HTTPS pages

Make it mobile friendly

Use an SEO-friendly URL structure

Add structured data

Check the page depth

Check temporary 302 redirects

Find and fix redirect chains & loops

On-Page & Content

Find & fix duplicate, missing meta descriptions

Fix duplicate, missing & truncated title tags

Find and fix multiple H1 tags

Improve title & meta tags, and page content

Run a content audit and prune content

Optimize images (naming, ALT tags, size)

Improve internal linking

Find & fix keyword cannibalization

Find & fix orphaned site pages

Is your content up to date?

Off-Page SEO

Analyze your competitor's link profile

Conduct a link intersect analysis

Turn unlinked mentions into links

Find new link building opportunities

Set up and optimize Google My Business

Last modified: March 20, 2022