On-Page SEO

SEO ElementDescriptionWordPress Tips
Title TagsUse SEO-friendly titles with main keywords.Utilize SEO plugins like Yoast for title optimization.
Meta DescriptionsInclude keywords and compelling descriptions.Yoast SEO helps in crafting effective meta descriptions.
HeadingsOrganize content with H1, H2, H3 tags, incorporating keywords.WordPress editor can be used for proper heading tags.
URL StructureEnsure URLs are readable and include keywords.Set permalinks in WordPress to include post names.
SEO Plugin setupInstall and configure Plugin for SEO
Image Alt TextUse descriptive alt text for images including keywords.Add alt text for each image in the WordPress media library.
Internal LinkingLink to other relevant pages within your site.Use WordPress editor to add links to existing content.
Page Load SpeedOptimize for faster loading times.Use caching plugins and optimize images for speed.
Mobile ResponsivenessEnsure the site is mobile-friendly.Choose responsive themes and test on mobile devices.
Social Sharing ButtonsFacilitate content sharing on social media.Use plugins to add social sharing buttons.