
Logo Registration: Importance And Benefits

Last modified: April 28, 2020 and is filed under Branding

Logo registration or trademark registration has lots of benefits as it helps your business make a mark among the customers. This article will describe these benefits and the importance of logo registration in detail.

I had written on the process and procedures of trademark registration and tips for choosing a good trademark in my previous articles.

Logo registration must be one of your top priorities wile thinking of growing your business. When I say logo registration in this article it means trademark registration. With a registered logo or brand, you will be able to create a unique business existence.

Logo Registration: Why Should Your Business Have a Logo?

Here I tell you five reasons for why you should need a logo for your business.

1. Logo is the face of your business

Logo reveals your unique identity as it is the face of your business. More your logo bears uniqueness the more it communicates your ownership. Think of your favorite brands of clothing or anything and how they disply the particular businesses.

Great logos make a good first impression. Potential customers might consider such logos when they decide whom to trust. So, make an impression.

2. Logo invites new customers

The most important benefit of a logo is that it invites new customers to your business. This is the thing all your business stands for, right? Your logo can help you a bit.

By giving your business a brand that fits it well, you’re strengthening your business name and providing a visual to your target audience. You know that, nowadays, people are drawn to interesting designs and brands.

3. It keeps loyal customers

This is another interesting benefit of an impressive logo. It keeps loyal customers stick with your product. The idea is very simple, think of your favorite brand and what makes you stick with it always. For, that logo has a name.

So, if you really want your customers being loyal to your products create a great mark or redesign the existing one if not yet done.

4. Creates professionalism and trust

Logo is also a symbol of professionalism and trust. You can easily earn trust of your customers with the professionalism your logo displays. Appoint a very creative and professional brand making artist for this purpose.

By simply looking at a logo, like it or not, today’s customers will immediately make judgments, and will get a picture of the product it sells. That is, the logo influences their decision to buy or not to buy.

5.Logo helps you brand

Finally, logo helps you in future branding endeavors so much. Using your logo on all of your marketing items, packaging, products, social media, website, etc. is a way to advertise your brand and engage with the customers consistently.

A great logo will do the work itself. So, take your time and give your full heart when you make one. Changing the logo or redesigning it now and then is not a good idea.

Logo Registration Benefits

Now, let’s look at some of the benefits you get by registering your logo legally.

1.  Recognition of quality

Logo registration gives the recognition to the quality of the products and services that your business offers. In another words, you are telling your customers that your products are legal and recognized and so they can trust you.

Recognition, of course, attracts customers, helps you focus on the quality of the products, provides enhanced business opportunities to your brand, and above all makes you much confident about your products and services.

2. Value in the market

Logo registration also enhances the market value of your services and products. Customers will check with any product whether it is legally recognized or not. It they find it not recognized or registered slighter chances are there for buying.

The case is different with registered products as higher chances are there for customers buying those products. So, recognition becomes a must.

3. Protection

Trademark registration gives you the complete protection against infringement. No competitor or other person will be able to use the logo or brand name registered by you under trademark.

In case you find anybody using your trademark, you have the right to claim infringement case under certain conditions. Moreover, this sense of protection will give a kind of freedom and confidence that will help you move forward and outshine your competitors.

4. Exclusive rights

You will be able to enjoy some exclusive rights while you register your logo legally. You can enjoy the total and sole ownership of the trademark and can stop others from the unauthorized use of the same under the same class where it is registered.

As per the Companies Act, 2013, a company name cannot be similar or identical to that of already registered trademark. Therefore, once your trademark is registered, a company cannot be registered in the same name.

5. Global permits

Logo registration offers you an amazing and very useful benefit that you get global permit for your services and products. Trademark registration in India helps the domestic owners get exposed and explored to the global market through International Trademark System.

NRIs and foreigners can also register trademark in India. Getting global permits will enhance your business opportunities and make your brand internationally famous.

6. Use of ® symbol

Once you register your business logo or trademark, you can use the ® symbol on your logo telling that it is a registered trademark and no one can use the same trademark.

This symbol is a symbol of recognition and will help you popularize your brand. With the symbol, customers can easily understand the quality and legality of your service and they might get attracted.

7. Trust and goodwill

These are the two important features for any business to be successful and loved by the people. Goodwill is a product of trust. As the famous George MacDonald stated, “to be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”

Trademark registration brings both these features of success to your business by creating permanent customers who are loyal and always opt for the same brand and attracting new ones.

8. Validity for 10 years

Once the trademark is registered it has validity for ten tears. In between these ten years, no legal obligations, no fees and no other statutory requirement are needed to maintain it.

Actually, the trademark registration is much cheaper than domain registration if we consider its long durability. Trademark can be easily renewed as well by paying a cheap renewal right.

9. Creation of an asset

Logo registration is creation of an intangible asset for any business as the owner of the trademark can easily sell, assign, franchise or commercially contract to another party.

As a valuable asset of your business, it is a sign of commitment to the company, reputation, and integrity that helps the consumer in purchasing decisions. It is also a great marketing tool.

10. Attracts resources

Most importantly, trademark registration, can easily attract potential human resources towards your services. Great brand or logo inspires the positive image of the organization and thus young minds will aspire to join it.

So, now it is your turn to take advantage of these wonderful benefits of logo registration. First study the market and think of great trademarks and then contemplate on yours.


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arul joseph

Arul M Joseph, a freelance web designer and developer based in Kerala, leverages over 12 years of experience to create stunning, SEO-friendly, and tailored websites for businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations.