Best Landing Page Practices: Simple but Powerful Tips to Create a Best Landing Page that Converts

Last modified: February 20, 2019 and is filed under Web Design

Landing page is the soul and spirit of any website and the cornerstone of a successful online business and marketing. It is what actually defines your website or categorizes it as ‘the best’ and ‘not the best’. So, if you are thinking that your website’s landing page is not yet ‘the best’ or it was so some times before, this is the right time to get an appointment with your designer.
Why I should need an awesome and beautiful landing page for my website? Does it matter whether it is good or best? How it is going to help my business? The answers for these questions you have are what make this article significant.
In this article, I will tell you some simple but powerful tips to create a best landing page which really will help you take your business reach new heights. The ultimate goal of a landing page is to grab the attention of your site visitors, convert them into leads and transform these leads to new businesses.

A Best Landing Page Will Be Designed  with a Stunning Look

Of course, a killer look is not all about a best landing page. But, it does make a huge impact on your site visitors. Anything that is neat, beautiful, clean, and organized catches the eyes. The same theory fits a landing page as well.
If you are confused of the look and design your landing page should have, check the internet for some beautiful samples of great websites which are awe-inspiring and leave you floored.


A Best Landing Page Will Be Adorned  with Simplicity

Simplicity is a sign of nobility and is a character loved by all. A simple and beautiful landing page is the best as it will cause customers to love your website and desire to search for your brand. You can bring this character in your design, content, form length, and font size.

Content makers and copywriters are who are bound to make difference here. They should impress the visitors with perfect language and information. Keep in mind that you have few seconds to impress them.

A Best Landing Page Will Be Set  with Compelling Headlines

Your headline is the first most important thing when you design a best landing page. It must be catchy and captivating. People normally scan, skim, and allow their eyes to flitter across the page as they don’t read each and every word.
So, to convert these scanners and skimmers, you should make your headlines and sub headlines strong and clear which will engage them for a while and stick with your product.

A Best Landing Page Will Be   Mobile Friendly

Studies reveal that by 2018, over a third of the world population is projected to own a smartphone. 80% of internet users own a smartphone and 48% of consumers do mobile research with a search engine.


Taking all these statistics into consideration we can damn assure that a landing page which is mobile friendly will pay you off. A best landing page will be undoubtedly mobile friendly.

A Best Landing Page Will Be  with a Killer CTA

Call-to-action (CTA) is a must have of a best landing page. It is the button you use in your website’s landing page to lead users towards your goal conversion. Create a killer one. Without a strong CTA, your landing page will never shine bright.

basecamp landing page

Make the CTA very clear so that it will be very easy for your visitors to do what you want them to do. Try to use an action oriented buttons like ‘get’, ‘try now’, ‘shop now’, etc. and give a careful consideration to your button colors. Limit the number of CTA in one because, as the attention ratio goes down your conversion rates will go up.

A Best Landing Page Will Have  Easy Forms

Never bore your visitor with too many questions. Most of the people don’t like to be questioned needlessly. A best landing page will never have a form which will ask too many questions and bore the customers.
Reduce the field in the form by maximum. If you add many fields on your form it will reduce your chances of getting a lead.

A Best Landing Page Makes Amazing Offers

To have a surprising offer that will leave your site visitors go amazed is a simple but powerful way to get conversions.  This is one of the best landing page practices all the big names use.
You have to make sure that the offer is incredible and is what your visitors really want to have. You can offer things like free e-books, free tutorials, etc. People always love getting things for free.

A Best Landing Page Can Have    a Powerful Video

Video is a powerful tool to make a landing page the best. Though many people are lazy to read a lot, an inspiring video will not bore them. You should be careful to note that video should not be lengthy and filled with unnecessary information. Otherwise, the result will be just opposite.
Use videos only in appropriate places. You may use it in places where you find that visitors don’t get a clear idea about your products. Video will be able to make complex things simple and easily understandable and thus, increase the leads.

A Best Landing Page will have Trustworthy Testimonials

Users want to know whether your brand can be trusted or not. For this, they will try to hear from someone who has a previous experience with your products. So, adding some precise and powerful testimonials on the landing page will be a huge advantage for your brand. Best landing pages use this strategy.



Testimonials on your landing page are powerful converting tools. They must be trustworthy and from real people who have experienced your services. Using pictures with testimonial is a good practice.

Conclusion: Your Landing Page  Should Be ‘the Best’

When the landing page becomes one that defines your online existence it seems that without a best of this kind your business can not flourish and lead you to the destination. In other words, a best landing page will surely enhance your conversion rates.
There are many other tips as well for making the landing page look best. The above mentioned are some clear and simple tips you can easily apply. So, if you are thinking that your landing page is not working as you expected go with these tips and make a stunning one which will make your visitors go excited.

Landing page checklist

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arul joseph

Arul M Joseph, a freelance web designer and developer based in Kerala, leverages over 12 years of experience to create stunning, SEO-friendly, and tailored websites for businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations.